March 2017 Mission trip:
I am so happy to report to you that I had a very successful trip and that I continue, thank to you, to help many in rural Haiti. 2 of the 8 houses planned for this year have been completed. 40 families (affected by hurricane Matthew) were given a voucher to receive groceries/food monthly for 1 year, thanks to Victory Apostolic Church in Michigan. The community center will have in the next 2 weeks a 65" TV and other audio visual equipment for the youth to learn English and good habits, enforcing our leadership youth program. So much more to be done....and WILL be done!
January 2017 mission trip. Another very successful medical + dental mission trip in Paillant, Haiti. We were so happy to bring medicine, clothes and hope to 400+ people in 2 and 1/2 days of hard work. We were also able to inspect all the repairs we arranged for the houses damaged by Hurricane Matthew. And finally we have identified the next 6 families to benefit from a new house to be completed in the next few months. A big thanks to Mending Hearts Abroad team for joining with the Haiti Help Med team for the second time in Paillant.
Our January 2016 mission trip to Paillant, Haiti: 4 days, 14 volunteers 700 patients helped, 170+ dental extractions, distribution of meds, toys, clothes, dental hygiene kits,
work with Paillant Youth Leadership Program, lots of prayers and a team willing to return again this July. Thanks to Mending Hearts Abroad, Inc who joined us and to you all for your
August 2014: We just returned from another very successful trip to Haiti: working in 2 rural medical clinics helping 300+ patients, working on the community center to be finished hopefully the end of this year, help coordinate our English as a Second Language class with 20 studens so far and more asking to join. Dr Tom Kelley and his son Cliff started a youth leadership program with 7 young men teaching them some core values to improve their future. They also chose to start a nursery so they can work together and do some reforestation. Nadine Mentor and 3 of her students did a young girls camp where they were teaching more than 30 girls good women's stuff and empowering them. Ninotte did a major distribution of shoes and clothes in one of the local communities. We visited our beekeeping project that seems to be going very well. We were also able to do some voluntourism visiting Jacmel, La Vallee de Jacmel, Marigot, Kenscoff and Belot. Next trip scheduled for early November. (See photos in the photos section).
May 26, 2014: Ninotte and Ralph Gousse just returned from another trip to go over the construction of the Community Center, talk to the young beneficiaries and prepare for the next medical mission trip set for early August. They were able to witness the addition of the second story metallic roof structure. Dr Charles Antoine Louis and Ronald Gousse were also on site making sure all went well. We hope to complete the construction this Fall but we will need more cash. Please help by contributing a window, a door, anything you can.
May 18, 2014: Amaral Selma, a young Haitian man, went back to Haiti after he spent three months in Florida learning beekeeping with Jean Vasicek of Winter Park Honey. The education was intense but Amaral is now ready to start his own apiary and teach others about beekeeping. Since his return he caught 6 wild bee hives and is also teaching 2 of his close friends.
May 15, 2014: Haiti Help Med started an English school in Paillant. This will be an extension of TESOL to teach English as a global language and to promote the understanding of the impact of the English language in an era of changing global economy and technological development. We started with 7 students and expect the program to spread rapidly. Our students will be mostly children and adolescents.
On February 9, 2014, Dr Charles Antoine Louis, who supervises the construction of the community center, sent us this picture of progress being made. This center will ne a key place for Haiti Help Med to continue its work in teaching and educating the youth. Hopefully we should be ready for inauguration this Summer. Thanks Charlie!
On January 15, 2014, we had our second very successful dental clinic at the hospital in Paillant thanks to the generosity of a group of dentists from Michigan and Newfoundland, Canada. They treated more than 150 adults and children, providing services in dental hygiene, extractions, filling and more importatntly a group went straight to the local public school to educate the kids about proper dental hygiene. They realized that a lot more needed to be done and they vowed to return at least every 6 months. Click HERE for more pictures.
On June 16, 2013, Betty Miller and Robert Och, caring residents of Orlando, Florida decided that they wanted to help the people of Haiti. They are very interested in supporting the young talents of rural Haiti and have purchased 10 Singer sewing machines at Target to donate to the new community center with the goal of teaching young girls arts and crafts to learn a new skill and to earn a living. They reached out to Haiti Help Med and asked us to post their phone number: 407-244-3095 in case anyone wants to participate in this project. Thank you Betty and Bob!
Mission Trip July 23-August 3, 2012.
Twelve professionals participated in this mission trip to Paillant, Haiti. Haiti Help Med Plus led three days of clinic in Paillaint and the surrounding rural areas, providing medical care to 450 patients. In addition, a team of volunteers helped to build three homes during this mission trip.
Mission Trip February 23-March 2, 2013.
Ninotte Gousse, Ralph Gousse, Nadine Mentor, Anita Newson and Jean Vasicek (our bee expert) were very lucky to have Wayne Chinnock (professional photographer from Boston) volunteer his time and
effort to capture building homes, delivering supplies to local health centers, delivering school supplies and vitamins to many local schools and helps farmers with their beekeeping
enterprise. Click here for our photo gallery.
June 2012 agricultural training.
We want to thank FAMU for sending their expert from Tallahassee all the way to Paillant to teach the farmers about composting 101 and methods of soil retention. This past week Haiti Help Med
member Henry Thertus and a FAMU agriculture engineer met with some farmers in Paillant and discussed ways to enrich their soil with natural methods. There will be more cooperation in the future
between Haiti Help Med and FAMU to improve the quality of life and agricultural production in rural Paillant.
Here you can learn about our latest projects and what's new at our organization.
Mission trip April 2012.
Members of Haiti Help Med were accompanied by the owner of Winter Park Honey for the second trip to educate the farmers in beekeeping. We donated beekeeping equipments to some of them and transferred some of their hives into modern boxes.
We also held a very effective meeting with the hospital staff and some community members looking at different problems encountered in the hospital and potential solutions.
Mission trip February 2012.
First trip with owner of Winter Park Honey to educate the farmers about beekeeping and promote good honey production.
We were also accompanied by two Florida A&M University professors in an attempt to develop a collaboration to help the farmers with composting, animal husbandry and agriculture development.
October 19, 2010 fundraising event.
We had a successful second fundraising event. We want to thank you all who participated either directly or indirectly. (Gallery)
July 24, 2010. New Hospital wing inauguration in Paillant.
On that day we inaugurated the new building of the hospital in Paillant that took us 3 years. We have now a new operating room, a dental clinic, an ophthalmology clinic and 3 exam room
general clinic. We also have 2 modern bathrooms and a nice waiting room that is also used for meeting and education.(Gallery)
May 16, 2010. Sixth earthquake relief mission trip.
Haiti Help Med just sponsored its 6th Earthquake relief mission trip. We were accompanied by 2 gynecologists and one nurse from Tampa, and one anesthesiologist from Tennessee. We did many
surgeries at the hospital Ste Therese in Miragoane. We also setup a model of community development for the area. The hospital in Paillant is set to be inaugurated on July
24th. (Gallery)
March 15, 2010. Fundraising event in Miami.
We had a nice fundraising event hosted by Yanick and Francois Roland at Danton Nicolas’s ranch. This was the time for everyone to get exposed to our projects in the areas of Miragoane and
We all had a great time and at the end the poor people of Haiti were about $4000.00 richer. Thank you Oriantus for that great cooking! Congratulations to all of you for your great help. Together
Everyone Accomplishes More!
March 15, 2010 Mission trip.
Haiti Help Med just organized the third mission trip to Paillant and Miragoane since the earthquake. We were accompanied by a Pediatrician, a Surgeon, a Nurse Practitioner, two other nurses and four UCF premed students. We were able to help close to 300 people by providing free care, free medicine, clothes and other articles of basic necessity. We were also able to evaluate the feasibility of building some small homes and to start some agricultural projects in the area.
Mission trip January 2010. Earthquake relief.
On January 21st, 9 days after the devastating earthquake, members of Haiti Help Med Plus, inc: Drs Ralph Gousse, Henri Jabon and Dr Samuel Jean led a Florida-based group of volunteers doctors to
Miragoane and Paillant for humanitarian work. They met with a significant number of injured people who had already fled Port-au-Prince and were in desperate need of help. The team worked day and
night to fix fractures, clean the wounds and provide moral support.
Nov 19-Dec 22, 2009 Mission trip.
The construction of the clinic and OR is going full course with expected date of completion set for June 2010. Any help will be greatly appreciated. We need tiles for the floor, 11 doors, 7 sinks, 4 toilets, 2 sliding doors for OR, windows for the rooms…
We had a great mission trip. We helped about 65 adults and children in the hospital and donated clothes and toys to another large group. We were very happy to share the spirit of Thanksgiving with these poor people.
September 2009.
Following Dr Thomas Kelly’s pledge from the Seminole County Medical Society, Dr Samuel Jean and COO Kimberly Scheider of Central Florida Inpatient Medicine have raised $4000.00 towards the construction of the new addition to the Hospital in Paillant. This building will have 3 exam rooms outpatient clinic, a dental clinic, ophtalmology clinic and an O.R. suite.
July 2009 Mission trip.
This past July we have finally been able to go over all the supplies sent generously to us from Dr. Edwin Renaud in New York. He had assembled for us tons of materials including syringes, surgical supplies, etc…Thank you Dr. Edwin Renaud, and thank you Fernande Nazon for introducing him to us.
December 2008 Mission trip.
Happy New Year everyone!
My family and I had a nice trip to Haiti and shared the joy of Christmas with the local kids by bringing them toys provided by many of my patients.
We have accomplished a lot so far but so much more needs to be done. We hope to be able to complete the new surgical room and the new outpatient clinic. We need
more financial help to finish the roof.
The Gousse family
December 2008.
We have completed the shell for the new clinic and operating room. This October we will be going back with an electrician, who is donating time and materials to the finishing process. At the same time we are trying to get some help for the 10 doors, 8 sinks, and 4 toilets needed. We will need also windows and flooring.
August 2008 Mission trip.
Visiting the poor
Just to update you on my most recent trip to Paillant this past August with my family. Unfortunately many of the houses I have visited with my children are no longer standing due to these 3
hurricanes. These poor people have also lost their crops of corn and beans which were their only means of surviving and also the fruits on the trees and their cattle.
The hospital was partly flooded but the walls of the new construction are still standing. I am hoping to get there next month to bring some more help.
Let us pray for these unfortunate people.
March 2008 Mission trip.
I just came back from Haiti last night. Had time to check on the status of the construction of the new surgical suite, the new clinic and more importantly I deliver the first $10/month some of you
agreed on to help the poor kids.
I was accopanied by my wife, Dr Ted Kaplan (pediatrician in Orlando) and his wife Elizabeth (nurse at Arnold Palmer).
We had a great time going from home to home (if you can call some of these structures “home”) to visit these childen and their families.
Thank you all for your help.
Henri Jabon at Paillant Hospital work site – This is the future hospital surgical suites
Last week(March 2008) we went to Paillant(Mr Henri Jabon, my wife and I) again to go over the work done sofar for the expansion of the hospital with this operating suite and clinic.
We were very happy with the work done sofar under our collegue: dr Charles Antoine Louis’s supervision.
We still have a way to go but at least the foundation and some walls are there.
We met with electrician, plumber, doctors and nurses.
We spend Easter Sunday giving clothes to some needy in the area, our best Easter ever.
February 2007.
Thomas Kelley, MD presents a check for HHMP from the SCMS Foundation to Ralph Gousse, MD at the February, 2007, SCMS meeting.
Haiti Help Med Plus is a very special charity effort being directed by SCMS member Dr. Ralph Gousse.
HHMP is bringing hope and improved medical care to the back country of Haiti — the poorest country in the western hemisphere (where over 40% of the population have no healthcare). HHMP has made great
progress in transforming a health clinic into a 10 bed hospital to provide basic maternity, medicine, pediatric, laboratory and radiological services. Their next step is building operating and
radiology rooms — which will require around $30,000 to complete.
SCMS encourages our physicians and office personnel to help HHMP raise the funds they need. Office staffs can enjoy watching the hospital grow, and seeing what their contributions helped accomplish.
Pictures of the hospital and people who will benefit are on the HHMP website or the hospital’s progress can be followed via pictures to be put on the SCMS website over the next year.
Read the full story at the Seminole County Medical Society Web site
July 08, 2007.
We continue to count all blessings for the hospital in Paillant. As the WORD says “ask and you shall receive”. Two weeks ago we were very lucky to receive a good amount of medicine donated generously by my Mrs Gina Clodomir (Port-au-Prince) to our dear friend Reginald Mondesir for the benefit of the population in Pailland and surroundings. We will make sure that these medicine are used appropriately.
A BIG THANK to you Mrs Clodomir. The people in Paillant also thank you. A big thank also to Mr Mondesir for thinking continuously about us.
July 01, 2007.
Just wanted to keep you updated with our progress.
The hospital in Paillant is doing well and is seeing now more patients thanks to an improved laboratory and the fact that we have now two full time physicians. We have now electricity from a generator and a back-up system donated by Mr Victor Boulos.
The hospital is now also linked to the rest of the world thanks to a canadian organization who gave us an internet communication system. The doctors have used it 2 days ago to discuss an interesting case with me.
Henri Jabon and I have made three trips over the last 3 months, the last one on June 20th. We have brought some more medicine and equipments. Dr Charles-Antoine Louis has been very busy supervising the renovation of the residence for the nurses and doctors. We were very happy with the work done.
We still hope to be able to bring this year an x-ray machine and to start the construction of the new operating room and a new outpatient clinic.
Enclosed is a letter I received last week from a 9th grader who sent us a check for $959.40 to support our effort. I will let you be the judge.
A bientot,
Ralph Gousse
March 4, 2007.
The hospital in Paillant will now have electricity all the time thanks to the generosity of Mr Victor Boulos
Finally we have electricity in the hospital in Paillant 24/7 thanks to the generosity of a businessman in Haiti. During his recent trip in Haiti last month, Henri Jabon, vice-president of HaitiHelpMedPlus, met Mr Boulos who volunteered his service to our cause and had his staff INSTALL in the hospital this week 16 batteries and an inverter to supplement our generator.
The hospital staff was so happy! Next is our Internet access for communications with us in the States and the construction of our new operating room, pharmacy, X-ray room and laboratory room. According to Dr Charles Louis, the work is going very well with the reparation of a house to accomadate doctors, nurses and staff as the pictures will show.
February 6, 2007. Seminole county medical society donation.
As you might recall from a previous correspondance, The seminole County Medical Society had adopted our project for Haiti. Tonight at their regular meeting I was presented with a check of $1500.00 toward the construction of our operating room and diagnostic center in Paillant. I was able to say a few words explaining our endeavour and also thanking the members of the society for their help. As we get more docs to know about the project I am sure more help will follow. A big thank to the society and to Dr Glen Davis who was the main motivator.
I am sending you a picture of the check and a brochure the Society produced to deliver in all the offices. Good beginning for the year. As usual I will keep you informed of all we are doing.
Ralph Gousse
February 16, 2007.
We are planning very hard to try to achieve our goals this year. Last year we were able to renovate the hospital in Paillant and repaint the hospital in Miragoane. This year we intend to add in Paillant: operating room, x-ray, pharmacy and hematology + chemistry lab. We hope to start digging the foundation in April.
Right now we are faced with an unexpected situation: the docs, nurses and lab technician sent to us in Paillant have no decent place to stay. I am sending you tonight pictures of where they were
assigned to stay and no wonder it has been difficult to find people to stay. It is degrading as you will judge for yourself.
So, we took upon ourselves to fix that house as nice as we fixed the hospital. We will need new doors, kitchen , toilets, roof, furniture….
Any help will count.
December 31, 2006.
Hi All!
I want to wish you all a happy and healthy 2007 year!
We have reached some of our goals for 2006, meaning the renovation and the inauguration of the hospital in Paillant. We have also brought in beds and other equipments from Florida. This past November we have also repainted the hospital Ste Therese in Miragoane.
Our goal for this new year would be to expand the hospital in Paillant with a new operating room and a new radiology room. We also want to install a full laboratory for hemogram and chemistry
Thank you again for your generous help and let us stay on course to improve the quality of life of our less fortunate brothers and sisters of Haiti.
Ralph Gousse (for Haiti Help Med Plus).